It is excellent, I recommend them. Very good saga, impeccable effects, great production.
The performances are solid without becoming transcendental, while photography is again up to the previous two nights of the devil. However, an abuse of the shadows is perceived, as if Whannell was not relying on the effect of the story itself, so he relied too much on the darkness of the houses ... It is good that there are people who do not like the light much, But would a girl with actress aspirations really live in such a gloomy room?
Another of the mistakes in which the film falls has to do with the status of the protagonist. To place the hero of the story in a unique setting - in this case his room - there are several resources, but simply Leigh Whannell took the most dramatic soap opera.
The first half of the film is taken very seriously and is bleak, of pure terror then, but this changes when the old acquaintances of Specs and Tucker are presented as very peculiar ghostbusters. It is here when the night of the devil Chapter 3 lightens its tone, without losing the terror, but it is certainly something that does make a difference and changes the pace it was leading.
But without a doubt, Specs and Tucker could easily appear in a movie mash-up alongside the Frog brothers from The Lost Boys and Ash from Evil Dead. They have my ticket purchased. (As long as Ash is the group leader)
The big difference, without being naturally spoiler, would be summed up to the final seconds of each chapter of The Night of the Devil, to that last picture. Well, while the films directed by Wann close with expectation and in a different way from what we have already seen, Whannell's takes the normal, effective path, but that is still the one explored by the genre for many years.
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me considero una persona de una vida muy simple, sincero honesto y reservado, me gustan las responsabilidades y soy una persona que ama su soledad y ama su familia, me encanta el cine, es la forma mas corta de expresar una idea compleja, me encanta la musica de todo tipo (salasa merengue vallenato soul regge rock balada romantica) me fascinan las banadas sonoras de las peliculas el cine es parte integrante de mi conocer sus historia, me gusta escribir de todo me encanta n las frases celebres, soy un tipo normal que le gusta el bajo perfil, me considero un lugateniente mas que un lider puro, odio la mentira la hipocresia y las habladurias, prefiero la soledad qu escuchar estupideces algo me gustan los juegos de videoI am extremely concerned today without lying to 6pm I had 177134 points were located at position 129, resulted listal now ranked 141 with 151,634, is the third or cuartyo time I notice a drop in points for no apparent reason and more serious is that the movies were comments from actors and actresses edition curisosos data and photographs I uploaded also want to ask because I'm not like that susbe starman and upload photos and no one says anything
When I saw the film I discovered something Sagra Resistance had left in oblivion, and that if he defeated victors undergo a slow and gradual death, if imposed humiliating conditions, and resistance is not armed or violent, there as a way of reproach, as a way of saying "here we are alive" is a situation that touches the soul, not win the public or moved by an act well, that goes beyond any principle that is taught or written for humanity and shows us that the worst and best of the human condition arises on the Brink.
There is merit in a victory if the blood of arrogance and humiliation drive it, no loyalty if vasa in harm others because they are competitive in this fight only truth, justice and reparation defines each of our guidelines as men and women, united against adversity and the ability to be more than that is strength.
There is no dignity in seeing the pain of others and do nothing for menguarlo, as there is no honor in loyalty, if instead of fight and survive not submit to the designs of the powerful and their attachments, while the people suffer from thirst, of hunger, cold, desolate, heat
Best movies I would give an example of what we are, but we can not allow nationalism, religious fundamentalism, terrorism, racial discrimination and social inequality, end to humanity and freedom, here the independence of an individual or of a group, not make them pariahs, because everyone in the resistance are important, absolutely everyone ...
Occupation: empleado
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Las Mejores piernas en minifalda 17
(102 items)list by arkkangabriel Last updated 1 month ago
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las mejores piernas en minifalda 11
(106 items)list by arkkangabriel Last updated 10 months ago
Recent reviews
Night of the Demons III (1997) review

August Rush review

This movie is baptized by me as one of the epic, the kind that the plot will not be the surje of the commercial, but his music breaks down barriers, anywhere you see them, there love and reunion full of feeling my soul, makes my neurons in musical instrumnetos, causing me to be what I was not, give peace to the hearts of men and women with the ability if you can .. for those who are not, those who spent our lives, by they left their mark, so that the ashes are no longer a prayer thanks God for the music that makes us remember no matter the pace, but its essence
August Rush manages what humanity needs peace with justice. "The music we rode, we just have to listen"
August Rush manages what humanity needs peace with justice. "The music we rode, we just have to listen"

Pain & Gain review

Several media properties compare and contrast details shown in the film and actual events. As David Haglund and Forrest Wickman wrote in blog culture slate, "Browbeat": "The film more or less adheres to a very general outline provided by the length of the novella, of three parts, a number very detailed written by Pete Collins and published in the Miami new Times, more than a decade, it is not surprising that many details, and a number of important characters are removed from the film, and a lot of new fictional details.
Here are a number of differences between the film and actual events:
The film portrays the Sun Gym gang as consisting of three main members (Daniel Lugo, Adrian Noel Doorbal and Paul Doyle) and two accomplices [John Mese (the owner of Sun Gym and Miami Shores6 counter that notarized documents Kershaw - actually, Marc Schiller - Lugo) and Luminita Sorina stripper (based on Sabina Petrescu), who recruited Lugo - said - to serve as a "honey pot" of the band]. In fact, the band was bigger, Doyle's character is a composite of several real people who were not represented in the film as Carl Weekes, Delgado and Jorge Mario Sanchez, and real-life girlfriend of Doorbal (Cindy Etheridge ) that helped pull scrub blood on the walls of condominiums Doorbal after Doorbal had dismembered bodies of Griga and Furton. In addition, unlike Sorina, in the movie passes Doyle Lugo, Lugo Sabina and stayed together as a couple and committed, and ran together to the Bahamas (with parents of Lugo) .7 8 players in real life also 0.9: the events of the Miami New Times article, "cast of characters Box" detailed
In the film, Victor Kershaw says he was born in Bogotá, Colombia. His real-life counterpart, Marc Schiller, born in Argentina.10
Schiller and Lugo not become friends with each other; Schiller actually distrusted Lugo. It was Delgado (who worked for Schiller, as the wife of Delgado), who befriended Lugo and headed to Schiller, and was in the store Delgado (not Schiller), where the kidnappers held and tortured Schiller during a month, whereas before attempting to extort and to matarlo.8
Sabina Elena Petrescu (portrayed on screen as Sorina Luminita Bar Paly), was actually a golden center stage solid stripper. It was once Miss Romania and former model Penthouse.6
In the film, Victor Kershaw eyes closed recognizes Lugo for his colony. Actually, Marc Schiller recognized his voice
Here are a number of differences between the film and actual events:
The film portrays the Sun Gym gang as consisting of three main members (Daniel Lugo, Adrian Noel Doorbal and Paul Doyle) and two accomplices [John Mese (the owner of Sun Gym and Miami Shores6 counter that notarized documents Kershaw - actually, Marc Schiller - Lugo) and Luminita Sorina stripper (based on Sabina Petrescu), who recruited Lugo - said - to serve as a "honey pot" of the band]. In fact, the band was bigger, Doyle's character is a composite of several real people who were not represented in the film as Carl Weekes, Delgado and Jorge Mario Sanchez, and real-life girlfriend of Doorbal (Cindy Etheridge ) that helped pull scrub blood on the walls of condominiums Doorbal after Doorbal had dismembered bodies of Griga and Furton. In addition, unlike Sorina, in the movie passes Doyle Lugo, Lugo Sabina and stayed together as a couple and committed, and ran together to the Bahamas (with parents of Lugo) .7 8 players in real life also 0.9: the events of the Miami New Times article, "cast of characters Box" detailed
In the film, Victor Kershaw says he was born in Bogotá, Colombia. His real-life counterpart, Marc Schiller, born in Argentina.10
Schiller and Lugo not become friends with each other; Schiller actually distrusted Lugo. It was Delgado (who worked for Schiller, as the wife of Delgado), who befriended Lugo and headed to Schiller, and was in the store Delgado (not Schiller), where the kidnappers held and tortured Schiller during a month, whereas before attempting to extort and to matarlo.8
Sabina Elena Petrescu (portrayed on screen as Sorina Luminita Bar Paly), was actually a golden center stage solid stripper. It was once Miss Romania and former model Penthouse.6
In the film, Victor Kershaw eyes closed recognizes Lugo for his colony. Actually, Marc Schiller recognized his voice

Django Freeman review

2012: 2 Oscars: Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Waltz). 5 nominations
2012: 2 Golden Globes: Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Waltz). 5 nominations
2012: Critics Choice Awards: Best Original Screenplay. Nominated for best film
2012: 2 BAFTA Awards: Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Waltz). 5 nominations
2012: National Board of Review (NBR): 10 best film and best actor sec. (Dicaprio)
2012: Critics Association Los Angeles: 2nd place for Best Supporting Actor. (Waltz)
2012: American Film Institute: Top 10 - Best Films of the Year
2012: David di Donatello Awards: Best Foreign Film
2012: Chicago Film Critics Circle. 2 Nominations for
2013: César Awards: Nominated for Best Foreign Film
2012: 2 Golden Globes: Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Waltz). 5 nominations
2012: Critics Choice Awards: Best Original Screenplay. Nominated for best film
2012: 2 BAFTA Awards: Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Waltz). 5 nominations
2012: National Board of Review (NBR): 10 best film and best actor sec. (Dicaprio)
2012: Critics Association Los Angeles: 2nd place for Best Supporting Actor. (Waltz)
2012: American Film Institute: Top 10 - Best Films of the Year
2012: David di Donatello Awards: Best Foreign Film
2012: Chicago Film Critics Circle. 2 Nominations for
2013: César Awards: Nominated for Best Foreign Film

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit review

- It is the first film in the franchise that is not based on a specific novel in the series of books by Jack Ryan.
- This was the last film in which Tom Clancy participated as a writer before his death on October 1, 2013.
- Having played British characters Americans, Germans, Australians, Swedes, and this is the first time that Kenneth Branagh develops a Russian character.
- Chris Pine appeared in "Amokin aces", with the former singer of Jack Ryan, Ben Affleck.
- The budget required for the making of the film, about $ 60,000,000, grossing in its opening weekend of $ 17.2 million U.S. dollars only.
- This was the last film in which Tom Clancy participated as a writer before his death on October 1, 2013.
- Having played British characters Americans, Germans, Australians, Swedes, and this is the first time that Kenneth Branagh develops a Russian character.
- Chris Pine appeared in "Amokin aces", with the former singer of Jack Ryan, Ben Affleck.
- The budget required for the making of the film, about $ 60,000,000, grossing in its opening weekend of $ 17.2 million U.S. dollars only.

Jinn review

Not the first time the Jinn concept appears in Dark Souls (Stranded, Red Sands). A Jinn would become something like that can be a great influence on the mental and spiritual human being and that, while often invisible, can take any form. On the official website of the movie Jinn we are introduced in the mythology of the creature with the following definition: "From the beginning, stories of angels and men have captured our imagination and have been recorded in our history, crossing all borders culture, religion, and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology for countless centuries, almost burying the evidence that there was also a third race. This third race, born of smokeless fire, the Jinn were called. The Jinn walk invisible, between humans and our ways unless extreme or unusual circumstances are never meant to cross. "

Jinn review

In Arabic, male Jinn are called 'jinni' and Girls' jinniya. "They are spirits earthbound that may fall within the same category of the realms of the fairies of the European traditions, and living in this world (right here), the opposite of transpersonal forces residing in the spirit world (there).
In the Holy Ku'ran (Koran), the great prophet Mohammed reveals that Jinn are real, which are formed of holy fire (energy) that are normally invisible but able to become visible at will. He proclaims that are moral, but can also be mischievous, even problematic for those who can not control them.
In the Holy Ku'ran (Koran), the great prophet Mohammed reveals that Jinn are real, which are formed of holy fire (energy) that are normally invisible but able to become visible at will. He proclaims that are moral, but can also be mischievous, even problematic for those who can not control them.

Jinn review

here are forces we do not understand, who live between light and shadows are not bad, but not good, they have been able to survive to this day, thanks to anonymous, but are cedientos qde get your destination, what's that I think, denied, occupy

Castor Troy review

n Face/Off, the truth was that Castor and his brother Pollux had planted a bomb somewhere in L.A. and only they knew its location and how to disarm it. With Castor seemingly a vegetable, Sean Archer entered a top-secret prison posing as Castor Troy, complete with surgical alterations and Castor's own face in place of his own. As soon as Archer uncovered the bomb's location from Pollux, his mission was complete. But that's when Castor Troy unexpectantly woke up...
Castor would undergo the same procedure Archer did, this time taking Archer's face and assuming his identity. As a top federal agent, "Sean Archer" would be unstoppable and hold significant power, taunting the real Archer and leading raids against his terrorist rivals; at one point, he even slept with Archer's own wife. As a notorious terrorist, "Castor Troy" would be locked away in prison forever. Until he breaks out, of course.
With murder, kidnapping, and many other forms of terrorism under his belt, Castor Troy was already a very clever and extremely aggressive sociopath, but having his face stolen truly put him over the edge. Castor had once tried to assassinate Archer, but accidentally killed Archer's son in the process. Castor couldn't understand why Archer would take things so personally, but he would when Archer dropped Castor's own brother from the top of a building to his death. Castor's ability to withstand pain and improvise in many deadly ways certainly makes him a vile entry on the Mofo scoreboard. But oddly enough, some people will only remember some of his most evil deeds... committed by Sean Archer.
INTELLIGENCE - 7: While Pollux could build bombs, Castor was the one planning and scheming awful ways to use them.
POWER - 7: Castor could fight to the death and withstand the pain of living without a face.
VILENESS - 10: If sleeping with Archer's wife wasn't enough, he also set his best friend on fire, murdered his mentor, and was ready to kill everyone in L.A. too.
SWAY - 6: He can give you chills or infuriate you... just by using his tongue.
PURITY - 10: Castor was already a maniac when his face was removed. If your face had been removed, what mental shape would you be in?
PHYSICAL - 7: As himself, he just looks cool, but as Archer, he's perfectly disguised. Average score between a 4 and a 10.
Castor would undergo the same procedure Archer did, this time taking Archer's face and assuming his identity. As a top federal agent, "Sean Archer" would be unstoppable and hold significant power, taunting the real Archer and leading raids against his terrorist rivals; at one point, he even slept with Archer's own wife. As a notorious terrorist, "Castor Troy" would be locked away in prison forever. Until he breaks out, of course.
With murder, kidnapping, and many other forms of terrorism under his belt, Castor Troy was already a very clever and extremely aggressive sociopath, but having his face stolen truly put him over the edge. Castor had once tried to assassinate Archer, but accidentally killed Archer's son in the process. Castor couldn't understand why Archer would take things so personally, but he would when Archer dropped Castor's own brother from the top of a building to his death. Castor's ability to withstand pain and improvise in many deadly ways certainly makes him a vile entry on the Mofo scoreboard. But oddly enough, some people will only remember some of his most evil deeds... committed by Sean Archer.
INTELLIGENCE - 7: While Pollux could build bombs, Castor was the one planning and scheming awful ways to use them.
POWER - 7: Castor could fight to the death and withstand the pain of living without a face.
VILENESS - 10: If sleeping with Archer's wife wasn't enough, he also set his best friend on fire, murdered his mentor, and was ready to kill everyone in L.A. too.
SWAY - 6: He can give you chills or infuriate you... just by using his tongue.
PURITY - 10: Castor was already a maniac when his face was removed. If your face had been removed, what mental shape would you be in?
PHYSICAL - 7: As himself, he just looks cool, but as Archer, he's perfectly disguised. Average score between a 4 and a 10.

Iron Man 3 review

Curiosities Iro man 3
Iron man 3 was the highest grossing movie of 2013 raising 1.215 billion dollars, beating films like Fast and Furios 6, The Hunger Games 2: Aflame And GRU
In the talk with Tony and the War Machine Mandarin there is a game on TV, which the Mandarin celebrates a goal , it is a match between Liverpool and Chelsea presumably ( from the color of the kit ) .
The child that is Star Lord Tony could be but in the present as the child's name is Harley, but the full name is Peter Lord Harley Star Quill.
This film is quite the comic away , so we must anaizarla focusing only to marvel cinematic universe . Not that the Mandarin does not exist, but that it is the Mandarin Killian . He himself said it and also wore tattoos. Yes, a little annoying , but if we focus on the cinematic frame , which is a different universe , it is a good movie .
It is the only delivery in the armor are used or worn by other characters.
The scene in which the people of the plane falls was recorded in air verda lazándose a helicopter , and other scenes were recorded with shutters but in the air.
Iron man 3 was the highest grossing movie of 2013 raising 1.215 billion dollars, beating films like Fast and Furios 6, The Hunger Games 2: Aflame And GRU
In the talk with Tony and the War Machine Mandarin there is a game on TV, which the Mandarin celebrates a goal , it is a match between Liverpool and Chelsea presumably ( from the color of the kit ) .
The child that is Star Lord Tony could be but in the present as the child's name is Harley, but the full name is Peter Lord Harley Star Quill.
This film is quite the comic away , so we must anaizarla focusing only to marvel cinematic universe . Not that the Mandarin does not exist, but that it is the Mandarin Killian . He himself said it and also wore tattoos. Yes, a little annoying , but if we focus on the cinematic frame , which is a different universe , it is a good movie .
It is the only delivery in the armor are used or worn by other characters.
The scene in which the people of the plane falls was recorded in air verda lazándose a helicopter , and other scenes were recorded with shutters but in the air.

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