"Opposition Disorder desafianteEnviar this page to a amigoShare on FacebookShare on twitterFavorito / CompartirVersión to print It is a pattern disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior toward authori"

"Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD is a psychological disorder classified within the group of anxiety disorders. It is characterized by the appearance of specific symptoms after exposure to a stre"

"The borderline personality disorder or borderline, also called boundary or border (abbreviated as BPD) is currently defined by the DSM-IV (DSM-IV 301 831) as "a personality disorder characterized prim"

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder (like agoraphobia and social phobia) characterized by intrusive thoughts, recurrent and persistent, that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fe"

"The paraphilias (word formed by the prefix: next to or abnormal, and philia: love (Devoto, E. and Aravena, L. 2003)) are a kind of erotic behavior defined by the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Man"

"The sociopathy, also known as antisocial personality disorder (TPA) is a psychic nature pathology resulting in people who suffer lose track of the importance of social norms, such as laws and individu"

"Schizophrenia (Greek σχίζειν schizein 'divide, split, splitting, breaking' and φρήν PHREN, 'understanding, reason, mind') is a psychiatric diagnosis in a group of people with chronic and se"

"Paranoia is a psychiatric term that describes a mental state characterized by the presence of self-referential delusions."

"my view are pretty, beautiful and very friendly"

"have a beautiful body and quizieramos so natural that many"

"barbarian, sculptural, delicious, terrific, great character."


"excellent list left me speechless and also reflects a little film treated"

"Bradley Cooper of those guys who like each one, the kind that women love als, most of those guys that love the good humor and wisdom accompanying"

"Maggie Gyllenhaal other such rare beauty that is striking for its presence but for mature acting"

"Jesica biel a rare beauty is not the sexiest woman in the world, but its candor, simplicity and dedication to the performance of an interesting woman again and that those few movies in which he has pa"

"Channing Tatum Actor of those who should seek a place in Hollywood and it has earned not only a nice car or a body is everything"

"Christian Bale in a while an actor did not have the perfect combination of Sean Connery Pierce Brosman is a guy worried about his appearance and especially someone who thought in itself, he might be a"

"Lea Michele pebntrante her look is very deep and maybe that makes you gain a foothold"

"Lea Michele has some Latino is a woman who would serve as a casting for a commercial, but otherwise little space Habre credible, is that someone without much experience to be attractive"

"George Clooney has a female counterpart that has many women homnbre is interesting to not win a pint, is that their presence impacts, the type could be the most normal world, but that's what crazy wom"

"Anne Hattaway so nice having a whole can raise more unbridled passion but the most incredible tenderness, her eyes her body her legs evoke desire, but his personality makes us give a nod of absolute r"